暨南大学110周年校庆科技系列讲座 信息科学技术学院/网络空间安全学院计算机科学系学术讲座(三)

题  目Secure Communications and Authentication Service for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks

内容简介:Sensor and ad hoc networks are important parts of Internet of Things (IoTs) which are more and more widely used for many practical applications such as air pollution monitoring, area monitoring, environmental sensing, and forest fire detection, etc.. Secure communications and authentication service are important for sensor and ad hoc networks. In this talk, we specifically present the secure and efficient data transmission for wireless sensor networks and the authentication framework with conditional privacy-preservation and non-repudiation for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). We will also show the efficiency and secrecy of the proposed schemes through careful system evaluation.

报告人:日本筑波大学 李颉 教授

报告人简介:Jie Li is a Professor in Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Japan. His current research interests are in mobile distributed computing and networking, big data and cloud computing, network security, OS, modeling and performance evaluation of information systems. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM and a member of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan). He is the Chair of Technical Sub-Committee on Big Data (TSCBD), IEEE Communications Society. He has served as a secretary for Study Group on System Evaluation of IPSJ and on several editorial boards for the international Journals, and on Steering Committees of the SIG of System EVAluation (EVA) of IPSJ, the SIG of DataBase System (DBS) of IPSJ, and the SIG of MoBiLe computing and ubiquitous communications of IPSJ. He has also served on the program committees for several international conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE MASS.

时  间:2016年6月17日(周五)上午10:30始

地  点:南海楼338室



